I’m an MS student at CMU RI, working at LeCAR Lab advised by Prof. Guanya Shi.
Previously, I received my B.Eng. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), where I was advised by Prof. Hesheng Wang and Prof. Danping Zou. After that, I worked with Prof. Richard Ren remotely during a summer research. Subsequently, I worked with Prof. Huazhe Xu as a research assistant at Tsinghua University (IIS).
During my undergraduate career, I led the programming group at SJTU VEX Robotics Club.

Master Student
Major: Robotic Systems Development

Undergraduate Student
Major: Automation

Learning and Control for Agile Robotics Lab (LeCAR Lab)
Advisor: Prof. Guanya Shi
Topic: Humanoid & Aerial Manipulation

Tsinghua Embodied AI Lab (TEA Lab)
Advisor: Prof. Huazhe Xu
Topic: Mobile Manipulation

Robotics Autonomy and Planning Lab at SJTU
Advisor: Prof. Zhongqiang Ren
Topic: Multi-Agent Path Finding

Intelligent Robotics and Machine Vision Lab at SJTU
Advisor: Prof. Hesheng Wang
Topic: Image-Based Visual Servo for Quadrotor
(† denotes equal contribution)
ASAP: Aligning Simulation and Real-World Physics for Learning Agile Humanoid Whole-Body Skills
Tairan He†, Jiawei Gao†, Wenli Xiao†, Yuanhang Zhang† , Zi Wang, Jiashun Wang, Zhengyi Luo, Guanqi He, Nikhil Sobanbab, Chaoyi Pan, Zeji Yi, Guannan Qu, Kris Kitani, Jessica Hodgins, Linxi "Jim" Fan, Yuke Zhu, Changliu Liu, Guanya Shi▶ TL;DR
ASAP learns agile whole-body humanoid motions via learning a residual action model from the real world to align sim-to-real physics and achieve athletic motions.
Catch It! Learning to Catch in Flight with Mobile Dexterous Hands
Yuanhang Zhang†, Tianhai Liang†, Zhenyang Chen, Yanjie Ze, Huazhe XuIEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2025
CoRL 2024 Workshop LFDM (Best Paper Nomination)
Links: [arXiv][Website][Code][Twitter]
We build a mobile manipulator with a dexterous hand, and leverage reinforcement learning to train a whole-body control policy for the robot to catch diverse objects randomly thrown by humans.
Multi-Agent Combinatorial Path Finding with Heterogeneous Task Duration
Yuanhang Zhang, Xuemian Wu, Hesheng Wang, Zhongqiang Ren
Proposed two conflict-based search methods—CBSS-TPG (conflict-free) and CBSS-D (conflict-free and minimal cost) to solve the multi-agent combinatorial path finding problem with target duration.
ViTaS: Visual Tactile Soft Fusion Contrastive Learning for Reinforcement Learning
Yufeng Tian†, Shuiqi Cheng†, Tianming Wei, Tianxing Zhou, Yuanhang Zhang, Zixian Liu,
Zhecheng Yuan, Huazhe XuarXiv 2024
Introduced ViTaS, a framework using using Soft Fusion Contrastive Learning and a CVAE module to fuse visual and tactile information, achieving state-of-the-art performance with high sample efficiency and low parameter count in robotic manipulation.
Perception-constrained Visual Servoing Based NMPC for Quadrotor Flight
Undergraduate Thesis (A grade TOP 3%), Advisor: Prof. Hesheng Wang
Links: [Code][Video]
Incorporated quadrotor dynamics and visual feature dynamics into NMPC to enable the quadrotor to flight purely based on visual information without localization.
UAV Intelligent Perception Technology Competition National Third Prize (10%) | ![]() | Shanghai, China 2022.09-2022.11 |

National University IOT Design Competition National First Prize & Harmony Innovation Award (1%) | ![]() | Shanghai, China 2022.06-2022.09 |
Links: [Video]

National University ICT Competition (Innovation) National Second Prize (5%) | ![]() | Shanghai, China 2021.09-2022.01 |
Links: [Video]

![]() | Shanghai, China 2020.03-2022.07 |
Links: [SJTU VEX Change Up Season Reveal 2021]
2021 National VEX Robotics Competition: Tournament Champions & Skills Champion (World Record)
2021 VEX Robotics Competition Asian Open: Tournament Champions VEXU; Excellence Award
2021 VEX Robotics Competition China Final: Tournament Champions VEXU; Excellence Award

Outstanding Paper Nomination in LFDM Workshop at CoRL 2024
SJTU Outstanding Graduate (top 3%)
SJTU Merit Student (top 3%)
SJTU Academic Progress Scholarship
- Reviewer: ICRA 2025