
I’m an incoming MS student at CMU RI. Currently, I am a research assistant at Tsinghua University (IIS), advised by Prof. Huazhe Xu.

I received my B.Eng. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in June 2023, where I was advised by Prof. Hesheng Wang and Prof. Danping Zou. In the summer of 2023, I worked remotely with Prof. Richard Ren (PhD from CMU RI, now leads RAP Lab at SJTU from 2024).

I’m interested in Robotics, Machine Learning and Computer Vision. Currently, I’m doing research on Mobile Manipulation.

During my undergraduate career, I led the programming group at SJTU VEX Robotics Club, where I spent three years with my teamates automating our custom robots and winning lots of national/international champions in the VEX Robotics Competition. In addition, I have also participated other types of competitions related to Unmanned Vehicles (UV) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).


Shanghai Jiao Tong University Sep. 2019 - Jun. 2023
Undergraduate Student
Major: Automation


Full-time Research Assistant Jan. 2024 -
Tsinghua Embodied AI Lab (TEA Lab)
Advisor: Prof. Huazhe Xu
Topic: Mobile Manipulation

Research Intern (Remote) Summer 2023
Robotics Autonomy and Planning Lab at SJTU
Advisor: Prof. Zhongqiang Ren
Topic: Multi-Agent Path Finding

Undergraduate Research Assistant Jan. 2023 - Jun. 2023
Intelligent Robotics and Machine Vision Lab at SJTU
Advisor: Prof. Hesheng Wang
Topic: Image-Based Visual Servo for Quadrotor


  • Multi-Agent Combinatorial Path Finding with Heterogeneous Task Duration
    Yuanhang Zhang, Hesheng Wang, Zhongqiang Ren

    Proposed two conflict-based search methods—CBSS-TPG (conflict-free) and CBSS-D (conflict-free and minimal cost) to solve the multi-agent combinatorial path finding problem with target duration (MCPF-D, an unexplored multiagent path finding problem).

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  • Perception-constrained Visual Servoing Based NMPC for Quadrotor Flight

    Incorporated quadrotor dynamics and visual feature dynamics into NMPC to enable the quadrotor to flight purely based on visual information without localization.

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UAV Intelligent Perception Technology Competition
National Third Prize (10%)
Shanghai, China
  • As the team leader, I implemented a SE(3) controller for quadrotor control in PX4-Autopilot, deployed YOLOv5 with TensorRT for object detection and P3P for pose estimation, and used RAPIDDS to generate collision-free trajectories for quadrotor navigation.
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National University IOT Design Competition
National First Prize & Harmony Innovation Award (1%)
Shanghai, China
  • As the team leader, I led our team of 4 to design ‘HarClass’ from scratch, an app for modern intelligent classrooms, utilizing the distributed features of HarmonyOS, leveraged BearPi-HM Micro for environment awareness, and developed a data visualization website using custom communication protocols for cloud connectivity. [Video]
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National University ICT Competition (Innovation)
National Second Prize (5%)
Shanghai, China
  • As the team leader, I conducted data set collection from edge devices via Socket and utilized the MindSpore framework along with the Ascend chip for the model combination of target detection and controlling. Finally, I deployed the combined model in an automated vehicle. [Video]
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SJTU Outstanding Graduate (top 5%)

SJTU Merit Student (top 3%)

SJTU Academic Progress Scholarship

SJTU Merit Scholarship


Program Team Leader
Shanghai, China
  • Managed a team of 20+ undergraduates to develop algorithms for custom vehicle applications, achieving one of the highest program level among Chinese universities as well as winning lots of national/international champions.
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  • Led the development of SJTU VEX’s AI automation system, including global localization, visual recognition, and communication modules and presented results to universities and IFI Chinese representatives.
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  • Programming Languages
    Python, C++, Matlab, Java
  • Tools & Pakages
    ROS, Mujoco, IsaacGym, Pytorch, Tensorflow, OpenCV, Gazebo, Airsim.